• 4 Apr 2023 3:00 PM | Anonymous

    Spring is in the air, which means coyote pups may soon be in the area. Breeding season for coyotes is in January and February, with pups being born in April and May. With denning season upon us, this is a time for greater caution, especially for dog owners. Please see our website "Living Alongside Wildlife" page for more information on coyote behaviour and safety or click here.

  • 3 Apr 2023 11:31 AM | Anonymous

    The house move for 47 Church Ranches Boulevard was completed on Tuesday, March 28, 2023. Thank you to all Church Ranches Boulevard travellers for your patience during this engineering feat!

  • 6 Mar 2023 11:15 AM | Anonymous

    The house at 47 Church Ranches Boulevard will be moved between March 13 and March 15, 2023. Please be aware that there may be some delays on Church Ranches Boulevard on these days and plan accordingly. Thank you!

  • 10 Feb 2023 4:12 PM | Anonymous

    At our AGM on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, Dr. Shelley Alexander, University of Calgary, will be giving a presentation on Living with Wildlife. 

    "Dr. Alexander is an international canid specialist and conducts field-based analysis of carnivore ecology, specializing in coyotes and wolves. She has studied human-wildlife relationships in the southern Alberta region since 1990. ... In 2005, she launched the Calgary Coyote Project, studying urban and rural coyote ecology and human-coyote conflicts across Canada. During that time she spearheaded Living With Coyotes, which was the first on-line educational and citizen-science monitoring tool developed for coyotes in Canada. In 2015, she founded the Foothills Coyote Initiative...which encompasses Calgary and the surrounding foothills parklands...." (University of Calgary website)

    Given how often we encounter these four-legged neighbours in our community, this promises to be an informative talk. Welcome to Dr. Alexander!

  • 2 Nov 2022 9:31 PM | Anonymous

    The CRHA Board has installed plaques on the four new benches in the park. Thank you to the Elliott and Mann families, to the Pendlebury family (in memory of Merv Fleming) and to Susan Brown (in memory of Terry Brown) for their generous gifts. The community will enjoy these benches for years to come. 


  • 8 Oct 2022 12:09 PM | Anonymous

    Thank you to the individual residents who purchased three benches for the Church Ranches common lands. The benches have been placed in beautiful locations to be enjoyed by Church Ranches residents for years to come. Memorial plaques are being placed on the benches in the near future.

    A fourth bench (already in the park) is still open for purchase. For more information, please use the "Contact Us" page to reach the CRHA Board.

  • 15 Sep 2022 11:10 AM | Anonymous

    A big "thank you" to the Church Ranches Homeowners Association Board and other volunteers who made this year's Fishing Derby and Community Barbecue a great success. The weather cooperated: Mother Nature provided a beautiful day. Everyone had lots of fun and enjoyed the opportunity to connect with neighbours. We live in a very special place - Church Ranches!

  • 22 Jul 2022 7:17 AM | Anonymous

    Looking good! Repairs to the Canal Bridge between Alexa Lake and Cody Lake are complete.


  • 10 Jul 2022 10:10 PM | Anonymous

    Bridge repairs are underway and almost complete at Cody Lake (Lake 2.) Weeping tile is now installed which will allow for water drainage during the freeze/thaw cycles. This will ensure the approach structure stays solid for many more years. 


  • 16 May 2022 9:07 PM | Anonymous

    Peepers chirping, red wing blackbirds singing, crocuses blooming, goslings hatching: these are sure signs of spring in Church Ranches! Besides seeing our beloved flora and fauna, the waterfall is now running, the volleyball net is up and the aerators are running in all three lakes. Enjoy our beautiful spring!

   Spring Cleanup MAY 1, 2021

   THANKS TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED THEIR TIME AND                                                        HELPED KEEP OUR COMMUNITY CLEAN. 

360 8 - 10 inch rainbow and brown trout were delivered to our lakes

120 to each lake, on May 3, 2021. Enjoy!


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